The Best Tattoo Brands And Equipment And The Love Of All Things Tattoo
Theres a famous saying. If you are not doing what you love then you are wasting your time. Never truer words said!! Ink Stop Tattoo Supplies started out as a tattoo studio which ran for 5 years.. I won't mention its name but while running the studio with 6 working tattoo artists it was enviable id fall in love with the industry. Ive a fair few tattoos myself, the truth is I love all things tattoos so for me it was a natural progression moving onto becoming a supply company. During the years spent in the industry I learned a lot about the best tattoo products and tattoo equipment, the best tattoo brands and tattoo aftercare available, mostly by trial and error. I bought a lot of products for the many artists that passed through the studio, some really good and some not so great but I learnt a lot and really enjoyed the time doing so. Closing the doors on that chapter was hard. The decision was forced by many factors, covid being one of them but sometimes you have to close one door to open another.. leaving the industry completely was never an option for me. That would mean doing something Im not passionate about and I'm simply not one for wasting my time!! Tattoo supplies has always been an idea floating around in the back of my mind for some time and with the headaches of 2020 still in full flow I made the decision to make Inkstop tattoo supplies a reality. Im proud to say we have lots of great products, almost 5000 in total and we will endeavour to cater for all artists needs and approach each and every customer with enthusiasm and great customer service. We will be adding products almost daily and look forward to presenting all the latest tattoo products as they become available. Theres also loads of exciting new features on our store, like the advanced search option on our home screen, pay with Klarna and the newly implemented loyalty scheme to name but a few. We really appreciate and value your custom so its only fair we give something back so please subscribe to our store and be the first to spot our great weekly offers. With that said we wish you a superb Christmas and an extremely prosperous new year...